Together we fight against hate speech and cyberbullying
The immersive experience #UNHATE, created as an exhibit for the MWC22, provides an artistic intervention to counteract the omnipresence of hate in digital spaces. It is a peaceful statement that raises awareness of the need to be more considerate to each other. With the help of artificial intelligence, real online hate speech is transformed into aesthetic pieces of art and thus deprived of its toxicity. As part of the #UNHATE movement, the artworks are posted as replies to the original hate posts. To open different aesthetic worlds, three artistic intelligences have been developed:
The mindful experience is inspired by the notion that life always emerges to win over hate. The AI behind this approach models the process of cellular growth, which overgrows and dissolves the hate one pixel at a time.
The playful experience is derived from a human-centered perspective and plays with a dreamlike visual language. The AI deconstructs the language of hate by moving through the hate post word by word, thus undergoing an aesthetic transformation to become a thing of beauty.
The progressive experience references a recycling idea, an obviously useless thing can still flow into the creation of something beautiful. The hate is transformed into an abstract sculptural artwork, guided by an AI that uses the original hate post as an input to define various parameters.
Click here visit the #UNHATE gallery